Yacht Solutions
Seafarers & Manning
Yacht FAQs
How long has the RMI Yacht Registry been around?
In 2001, at the request of owners and maritime attorneys, the RMI Registry was expanded to include commercial and private yachts. Visit our Fleet Highlights page for the current number of yachts in the fleet.
Is it difficult to register a yacht with the RMI Registry?
We have experts who specialize in yacht registration to guide clients and advisors through the process step-by-step in real time. Our aim is to provide a seamless and smooth process for all parties.
Where do I go to register my yacht with the RMI and what kind of support can I expect following registration?
With 28 worldwide offices in major maritime and commercial cities around the globe, the RMI is able to provide same-day service to the yachting community, regardless of location or time zone.
What are the requirements for a private yacht to be registered with the RMI?
A private yacht is considered to be any yacht not carrying passengers for hire, not engaged in trade or commerce, and being used solely for the pleasure or recreational purposes of its owner.
Does the RMI Registry also allow commercial yachts to register?
Yes. Commercial yachts engaged in trade, commerce, or charter that carry no more than 12 passengers and that are of 24 m or more in length may register provided they meet the Registry’s safety standards.
What would be my home port under a registration with the RMI Registry?
Yacht owners are given a choice of either Bikini or Jaluit as the yacht’s home port.
What type of entity may own a yacht?
Yachts may be owned by a RMI corporation, general or limited partnership, limited liability company, or qualified foreign maritime entity.
What about cruising in US waters?
Under a reciprocal treaty, private yachts registered in the RMI are eligible to obtain a US cruising permit.
If my craft is registered as a private yacht, can I still charter it out?
Yes. The Registry permits private yachts to be chartered out for up to 84 days per calendar year, provided that some additional requirements are satisfied.
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