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Change of Ownership (Re-registration of an RMI Vessel)
The procedure for re-registration is almost identical to that of registration. When an RMI-registered ship is transferred to new ownership, a new Certificate of Registry and trading documents will be issued in the name of the new owner upon completion of the re-registration process. The vessel will retain its current Official Number and Radio Call Sign.
MI-242B – Requirements for Vessel Re-Registration – Buyers
MI-242BB – Requirements for Vessel Re-Registration – Sellers
Change in Name of Vessel
When a vessel is already registered in the RMI and there is a change of name without a change in vessel ownership, a new Provisional Certificate of Registry, and other trading documents must be issued to reflect the new name.
MI-242C – Requirements for Change of Vessel Name
MI-242C-BCR – Requirements for Change of Vessel Name on BCR
Change of Vessel Operator
When a vessel is already registered in the RMI and there is a change of operator, our records must be updated to reflect the same.
MI-242CM – Requirements for Change of Management
Change of Navigational Status
When a vessel is already registered in the RMI and there is a change of status, our records must be updated to reflect the same.
MI-242LE – Requirements for a Vessel Entering Laid-Up Status
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