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Tonnage Tax Calculator
The RMI now offers two alternative plans for the calculation of initial registration fees and annual tonnage taxes for commercial vessels.*
The current pricing schedule which remains unchanged.
The new pricing schedule which features higher initial registration fees but lower annual fees.
Plan B benefits larger vessels (in excess of 50,000 GT).
As you will see, the initial fees under Plan B are higher than under Plan A but the lower annual fees of Plan B can bring significant savings over time.
The page you are about to enter provides an ESTIMATE of the initial registration fees and annual recurring fees based on the tonnage amounts submitted.
A discount of one third off the Initial Registration Fee is available for owners registering through Plan B and under the following circumstances:
- Registration of a vessel that is five years of age or less from date of first construction or that has undergone a major conversion within the past five years (this discount is calculated in the following worksheet).
- Registration of three or more vessels at the same time that are 15 years of age or less or at least an irrevocable written commitment to register three or more such vessels within a calendar year (this discount is NOT calculated in the following worksheet).
- This discount will be increased to 50% for an owner registering 10 or more vessels that are 15 years of age or less at the same time or submitting an irrevocable written commitment to register 10 or more such vessels within a calendar year (this discount is NOT calculated in the following worksheet).
Contact any IRI office for detailed information about our registration fees and fleet discount advantages.
*The Tonnage Tax Calculator does not calculate estimated registration fees for commercial and private yachts.
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