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Vessel Registration is the process where an approved new building or existing vessel is granted the privilege of Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) nationality and the right to fly its flag.
After successfully completing the registration process, the RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) issues to the vessel a Certificate of Registry (COR), along with other trading certificates. The COR is proof the Administrator has recognized that the Registered Owner meets the legal requirements for ownership and that the vessel and manager meet the required RMI Administration standards. The Certificate of Registry entitles the registered owner to sail the vessel internationally with RMI citizenship recognized by other nations.
Registration Requirements and Document Submission
The documents required for all vessel transactions in the RMI may be obtained from a Regional Office and are also available from the Document Library.
All application forms and related documents may be transmitted by email to any Regional Office. The application forms and any other documentation required to be in the original must be delivered within five business days after their initial transmittal.
All applications and documentation for registration are subject to approval by the Administrator. Accordingly, the mere submission of an application for registration does not ensure that a vessel will be accepted for entry into the RMI registry.
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